A toolkit for training front line health workers on preventive healthcare
Eating right is an integral part of preventive health care. The 'Eat Right India' Movement by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), is a movement to help community members about Eating Right. Under this movement, an 'Eat Right' toolkit has been developed jointly by FSSAI, Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI) and National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC).
Who is the toolkit for?
This 'Eat Right' toolkit has been developed as an interactive tool for frontline health workers and mid-level health provider to provide a holistic learning on 'Eating Right'. It can also be useful for a range of partners providing health services at the grass root level. This toolkit has been developed to serve as an easy to use medium for enhancing the knowledge of our health workers on 'Eating Right' and through them disseminating key messages on eating healthy and eating safe to the general population.
What does this toolkit contain?
The 'Eat Right' toolkit box consists of:
- Eat right Handbook
- Posters (6)
- Activity Tools
- Food Pyramid standee
- Food Fortification pocket flyer
- +F logo puzzle
- Personal Hygiene activity card
- Clean India-Healthy India activity card
- Food Adulteration key ring
- CD containing Videos
How to use this toolkit?
- The 'Eat Right' handbook is a resource book for the health workers which explains each component of eating right in simple words. The health worker will go through each chapter in the handbook, in the given sequence. The Eat Right Handbook comprises of the following topics:
- Background
- How to Use the Toolkit
- Nutrition During First 1,000 Days
- Balanced Diet
- Food Fortification
- Limiting the Consumption of Foods High in Fat, Sugar and Salt
- Hygiene and Sanitation
- Food Safety and Safe Food Practices
- Food Adulteration
- At the end of each chapter there are short activities, designed to impart education on each component of eating right. It also explains how each of the given posters and tools can be used to form interesting activities for the participants. These activities have to be performed with the beneficiaries/participants using the tools provided with each chapter (poster/activity card/pocket flyer etc.).
Posters: The posters provided in this toolkit are prepared using simple language. They will be displayed at the Health & Wellness centres and/or in group/community meetings. The health workers will further explain the messages provided in the posters to the participants.
Tools: The tools provided in this toolkit [food pyramid standee, +F logo puzzle, food fortification pocket flyer, activity sheets on (i) Clean India-Healthy India, (ii) Stay clean-stay healthy and Food adulteration Key chain] are designed to engage participants and disseminate key messages on health and wellbeing to them in an interesting manner. The health workers will follow the instructions given against each activity and engage the participants in these activities.
CD: The toolkit also contains a CD consisting of some interesting videos and jingles which will be played at Health & Wellness Centres or at other appropriate places. Through these, the health workers will disseminate key messages on Eating Right to the participants.
E-course in eat right for frontline workers
In addition to the toolkit, there is a video series for the frontline health workers. This includes an introductory video, introducing the Eat Right Toolkit to the frontline Health workers. Followed by videos explaining the content of the toolkit in simple language using activities from the eat right toolkit.
Link: https://fssai.gov.in/erfwTraining
'Eat Right' Toolkit training for different cadres is required to be transacted only through the existing pool of trained trainers (trained collectively by NHSRC, FSSAI and VHAI). As the first step, the trained state trainers will provide training to the Medical Officers (MOs) and Community Health Officers (CHOs). Thereafter, the trained MOs and CHOs will train the ASHAs, MPW-Female and Male. This is the cascade structure of training that will be followed. States may contact their respective State Nodal Officers- Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) for scheduling the training. (Link the list here in the designed format). Food Safety Department Officers can provide their support to the trained state trainers in the training of MOs and CHOs after consultation with the State- CPHC Nodal Officer.
Link: https://eatrightindia.gov.in/snoListProcurement
The 'Eat Right Toolkit' is available at GeM portal.