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Master Checklist

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Rating of the Campus

Each campus is evaluated based on a TOTAL score out of 100. The Rating of the campus is as follows-

  • If a campus has a total score of 85/100 and above, it receives 5 stars and "Excellent" Rating
  • If a campus has a total score of 75/100 and above, it receives 4 stars and "Very Good"" Rating
  • If a campus has a total score of 65/100 and above, it receives 3 stars and "Good" Rating
  • If a campus has a total score of 55/100 and above, it receives 2 stars and "Needs Improvement" Rating
  • If a campus has a total score below 55/100, it receives "Urgent improvement" Rating.

Any campus that receives a score below 65/100 is NOT given an Eat Right Campus Certification and has to undergo a second audit.

Scoring Matrix:
01 Five Star (85% and above) Exemplary/ Excellent
02 Four Star (75% and above ) Full Compliance/ Very Good
03 Three Star (65% and above) Satisfactory Compliance/ Good
04 Two Star (55% and above) Partial Compliance/ Needs improvement
05 Below 55% Non Compliance/ Urgent improvement

Evaluation of the Campus

The evaluation of the campus is based on the master checklist.

  • The master checklist is divided into FOUR sections
    • Part A: Safe Food
    • Part B: Healthy Food
    • Part C: Sustainable Food
    • Part D: Building Awareness
  • Each section is to be evaluated out of the maximum score alloted to it-
    • 1. Safe Food - 40
    • 2. Healthy Food- 25
    • 3. Sustainable Food- 10
    • 4. Building Awareness- 25

The scores for each section are added to get the total score for the campus, which is out of 100.

Each section contains a series of questions along with the maximum points for that question.

The points for each question are to be added to the get the total score for the section.

How to use the Checklist

The scoring system for each part- A, B, C and D is explained below-

Scoring System for Part A: Safe Food

All food service establishments in the campus are to be evaluated. Depending on the type of food service establishment, the corresponding checklist/scoring method is to be used.

There are FOUR types of food service establishments in a campus-

  • In-house pantry and food area:
    • Pantry: A room/area where beverages, food, and sometimes dishes, cleaning chemicals, linens, or provisions are stored. It may serve in an ancillary capacity to the main kitchen.
    • Food Area: A room with seating arrangements for people to eat or drink. It may range from a full-fledged canteen seating area to a small set-up indoors or outdoors.
  • In-house Canteen: Food service establishment in the campus in which food and beverages are prepared, served and eaten within the campus premises. It may or may not include a seating arrangement for customers.
  • Outsourced Catering Establishment: A food service establishment that prepares food/beverages outside the campus premises and delivers prepared/cooked food and beverages to the campus.
  • Vendors: This includes tuck shops, retail outlets and other food selling outlets or food vendors within the campus that sell cooked/packed/fresh/raw food and beverage items in the campus. They may be owned by the campus authorities or any other private entity or may function independently.

Evaluation of the pantry area/food area and in-house canteens through the given questions in Part A of the checklist is mandatory.

Evaluation of outsourced catering establishments/services and vendors including tuck-shops, retail shops etc. through Hygiene Rating Certification is voluntary.

  • Mandatory
    • For pantry area or food area, if present, the first checklist is to be used. The score for this section should be given out of 30.
    • For in-house canteens, if present, the second checklist is to be used. The score for this section should be given out of 114.
    • If there are multiple pantry areas/food areas/in-house canteens, the score for each of them is to be entered.
    • If present, all outsourced catering establishment services in the campus as well as tuck shops, vendors etc., must be mandatorily licensed/registered with FSSAI. A single point should be given for each licensed/registered caterer and/or vendor, as applicable and the total should then be multiplied by 20 to get the score for this section out of 20.
  • Voluntary
    • A campus may voluntarily do Hygiene Rating Certification of its outsourced catering establishment or vendors.
    • The hygiene rating score for each of them is to be entered.

Total Score: The total score of all of the above, as applicable, is to be taken and then multiplied by 40 and entered as the final score for Part A.

1 (Each) in-house Pantry and Food Area 30
2 (Each) In House Canteen (With Food Preparation) 114
3 License/Registration of each outsourced Catering Establishments Serving Campus and Vendors (tuck shops/retail outlets) 20
4 (Each) outsourced Catering Establishment Serving Campus 100
5 (Each) Vendor (Tuck Shop/ Retail outlet) 100

PART A SCORE: 40 x (Total Marks Obtained)/(Maximum Marks)

The Scoring System for PART B, C and D will be as per the respective checklists provided under these sections. The actual marks obtained in the checklist will be entered as the final score.


The marking scheme for questions in ALL CHECKLISTS is as follows:

The Auditor will inspect the facility of the campus according to the requirements as laid down in the inspection checklist and accordingly will mark the finding as compliance (C), non-compliance (NC), partial compliance (PC) & Not applicable/Not observed (NA). Separate requirements have been developed for the food businesses within the campus. All the requirements are allotted 2 marks and there are few requirements, which are allotted 4 marks. The 4-marks questions are critical to food safety and shall be essentially met by the campus. Each finding will be awarded marks as mentioned below:

S. No. Finding Marks to be awarded for 1 mark requirements Marks to be awarded for 2 mark requirements Marks to be awarded for 4 mark requirements Marks to be awarded for 5 mark requirements
1 Compliance (C) 1 2 4 5
2 Non-compliance (NC) 0 0 0 0
3 Partial compliance (PC) 0.5 1 to 1.5 1.5 to 3 1-4
4 Not applicable/Not 1 2 4 5
5 observed (NA)

Compliance - Yes, the requirement is fully implemented. There is adherence with the requirement with no major or minor conformance is observed.

Non-compliance - No, the requirement is not documented and implemented. There is non-adherence with the requirement with major non - conformance is observed.

Partial Compliance - Requirement is partially implemented. A non-conformity that (based on the judgement and experience of the auditor) is not likely to result in the failure of the food safety or reduce its ability to assure controlled processes or products. It may be either a failure in some part to a specified requirement or a single observed lapse.

Not Applicable/Not observed (NA) - Requirements are not applicable to campus & hence cannot be observed.

Documents to upload on the website

a. Please provide valid license number and FoSTaC certificate number in the respective sections.

b. A water testing report is mandatory to be uploaded in the section for Source of Water.

c. A letter of recommendation bearing the signature of DO/FSO/FSSAI officials is a must. The proforma for the same maybe downloaded from the 'resources' tab     on the website.

d. In case of CSR projects and/or if the implementation partner is other than FDA/ FSSAI/ any other government authority, the audit partners are authorized to         sign the recommendation letter/proforma and upload it for Eat Right Campus certification.


The pre-audit and final audit is to be done by the SAME third-party audit agency if the campus opts for a pre-audit by a third-party audit agency.

The training partner for training the Food Safety Supervisors in the campus should not be the same as the Auditor of the campus.

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