How to enter?
The challenge is open to 141 Cities across the country. The list of cities eligible for the challenge is here.
Cities will be expected to appoint a nodal officer who will act as a point of contact. A WhatsApp group will be set-up to keep nodal officers informed and encourage peer-to-peer support.
The appointed nodal officer from the city will have to log in to and register online.
The EatSmartVision form and the EatSmart Score Card will also be available, which can be filled but will have to be submitted only at the end of the implementation phase. Details are available at Section
- Activities
The registered cities will have to conduct at least 1 (one) activity from each of the 5 (five) areas of action mentioned below during the implementation phase
- Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses and Surveillance Drives
- Benchmarking and Certification
- Changing settings in schools and campuses
- Creating a Sustainable Food Environment
- Behaviour Change Campaigns
- Webinars
A series of webinars have been scheduled covering Eat Right India initiatives, FSSAI regulations, stakeholder and citizen engagement strategies.
- Final Deliverables at the end of the Implementation Phase
- EatSmartVision Form: Based on the webinars and the projects, cities will develop a plan to scale up the Eat Right initiatives over the next several months and submit the Vision Form at the end of the Implementation Phase.
- EatSmartScore Card: Cities will fill the first part of the EatSmart Score Card at the beginning of the implementation phase as a self-assessment. After the implementation phase, they will fill the second part and submit this EatSmart scorecard along with the EatSmart Vision Form.
The EatSmart Vision form and Eat Smart Score Card can be accessed online after logging into the website.
The 3-month implementation phase will be followed by a one and half month selection phase in which 11 cities will be shortlisted based on their EatSmart Score card and EatSmart vision form.
The top 11 cities will be declared EatSmart Cities and will be provided prize money and technical support to scale up their plan over the next several months
The 11 selected cities will carry out their plan to scale up Eat Right initiatives during this phaseover several months. Their efforts would be showcased on a global platform
What are the timelines and key dates?

What Do We Hope To Accomplish?
Inspire Indian Cities to create healthier, safe, secure and sustainable food environment
Beneficiaries Targeted
Impact lives of total urban population and motivate them to eat right
Will be funded to implement their food strategies over a period of one year.
Total number of applications for cities in India.
To develop a city food strategy that supports a healthier, safe, and sustainable food environment