


Indore city - the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh is the largest and most densely populated city in central India.

The city is known for its history, monuments, food and bazaars. The city traces its roots to its 16th century founding as a trading hub between the Deccan and Delhi.

Two main rivers that flow through Indore are Saraswati and Kahn.

Indore has been ranked 1st in the Five preceding Swachh Survekshan giving it the title of Cleanest City of India.

Indore is also known as ‘Detroit of India’, ‘Mini –Mumbai’.

Indore is famous for the food habits of residents with nearly 36,901 registered food business operators.

Indore is the only city in MP with Two (2) clean street food hubs and is the only city in India with an Eat Right School.